Friction materials

Taurit for friction materials production

Taurit is used in the production of friction compound for asbestos and non-asbestos brake pads and linings intended for railway transport, trucks, agricultural and passenger cars.

Currently, two grades of Taurit are applied: “TS-D” (Shale fine-dispersed Taurit) and “TK-D” (Carbonate fine-dispersed Taurit).

 In friction materials production Taurit is applied in the following way: 

  • Taurit of «TS-D» grade – up to 40% instead of carbon black;
  • Taurit of «TK-D» grade –  up to 50% instead of carbon black;
  • Taurit of «TK-D» grade – 5% (or >) instead of Cr2O3 and 5% (or >) instead of Fe2O3.

Our material application contributes to significant economic effect. At this, technical and technological properties of the finished product are saved.

Finished products containing Taurit have shown the following technological and technical characteristics: 

  • Resistance to cracks and blistering;
  • A shiny, smooth finish;
  • When heat is applied to braking products, they perform to the same standards as non-Taurit fricition product;
  • Physical, mechanical and friction indicators of finished products conform to specifications  requirements. 



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